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BSS has evolved into one of the leading Swiss consulting firms, answering economic, environmental and societal questions since its founding in 1992. In competent, multidisciplinary teams, we analyse complex problems for our clients.

BSS is politically independent and operates in a scientific, solution and implementation orientated manner. The satisfaction of our clients is our highest goal, which is why the practical relevance and feasibility of our solutions are especially important. We greatly value concise and vivid language as well as appealing graphic visualisations.

Corporate group
BSS is an independent stock company that has belonged to the Basler & Hoffmann Group since 2006. Our clients profit from a wealth of expertise across the entire group and from the specific market knowledge of our local representatives.

Advisory board
The founders are associated with the company as members of the scientific advisory board. We discuss strategic questions with the advisory board. In some cases, the advisory board also works on projects. The following people comprise the advisory board:

  • Prof. em. Dr. rer. pol. René L. Frey; emeritus
  • Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Spillmann; former Director of the Swiss National Museum
  • Dr. rer. pol. Elke Staehelin-Witt, Coach
  • Dr. rer. pol. Hansjörg Blöchliger, Senior Economist OECD Economics Department

Depending on the questions at hand, we access our diverse network of renowned experts. Our close cooperation with universities guarantees that we, as well as our clients, are always provided with the most recent insights.

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